(Influenza) virus gonna virus

Alex Berenson

This chart is real, straight from the Centers for Disease Control. And it’s spectacular:


We went from 12 million flu shots in 1980 to almost 200 million in 2020.

Great job! We totes got rid of the flu, right?

Well, here’s flu deaths from 1959 to 2016:


See the trend?


THAT’S BECAUSE THERE ISN’T ONE. There is absolutely no relationship between the number of flu “vaccines” we give and deaths from influenza.

Actually it’s worse that that, because 2017-18 - not shown on this chart - was the worst year for flu deaths in decades - probably since the Hong Kong flu of 1968.

Turns out the flu shot is just as useless as the Covid shot, but no one noticed because it isn’t as dangerous.

Not as dangerous medically, I mean. Arguably more dangerous societally because the public health bureaucracy’s commitment to ramping up flu shots at all costs became the prototype for the Covid mRNA shot campaigns.

Instead of asking if the reason people didn’t want to get jabbed was that the shots manifestly DID NOT WORK, the authorities simply looked for ways to encourage or force people to take them. By 2010, research on “vaccine hesitancy” and “compliance” began to accelerate.

This is what happens when process - taxpayer-funded process - gets separated from outcome, when too many people have too much money and careers at stake for anyone to ask the question: Does any of this make sense?

And so when Covid came the vaccinators knew EXACTLY what to do. Except this time the money made the funding for flu shots look like a rounding error.

Getting out of this ditch is going to be very, very difficult.

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